题目:1、Simultaneous Colorings of Plane Graphs
时间:12月13日 14:45-15:45
摘要:Given a plane graph G = (V; E; F), we can define the total coloring for VE, the coupled coloring for VE, the edge-face coloring for EF, and the entire coloring VE, such that adjacent or incident elements have different colors. In this talk we shall give a survey on these colorings and list colorings of plane graphs. Some recent results and open problems about this direction are mentioned.
题目:2、Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Coloring of Graphs
时间:12月13日 15:45-16:45
摘要:An adjacent vertex distinguishing edge coloring of a graph G is a proper edge coloring of G such that C(u)¹C(v) for any two adjacent vertices u and v, where C(x) denotes a set of colors used on the edges incident to a vertex x. Similarly, we can define the adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of G. In this talk, we will give a detailed survey on these colorings and some related colorings.